GKCTCC Meeting Minutes

April 7, 2024

Ag Hall of Fame, Bonner Springs, KS

Following a wonderful BBQ meal, and introduction of Stacy Spieker and the work and donations she made toward the Scholarship Program, we held the opening flag salute at 2:00 pm. There were no new members/guests at this meeting.

President Read sought approval of the February 4, 2024 meeting minutes. Jeff Gast moved, and David Dobratz seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Herman Sachse gave the financial report. The general account began with a balance of $9858.13 and after expenditures/deposits, ended with $10,535.09. The scholarship fund account began with a balance of $4791.50 and after expenditures/deposits, ended at $4791.50. Wes Storm moved to accept the financial account. Lloyd Mesmer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Barn Yard Babies is coming up on 04/27/2024, 1 am-4 pm. Larry Henak is the point of contact for the event. He stated they would like as many tractors as possible and have them in place prior to 10 am. He is also looking for drivers to assist with the people mov-ers.

Tractor Cruise is scheduled for 5/4/24. We currently have around 9 registered drivers. They plan on having the driver’s meeting around 8 am, and begin the journey around 8:30 or so.

June meeting will be held 6/2/24 at the Sachse Farm, Leavenworth. Kim is planning on a baked potato bar at 1ish… with the meet-ing at 2 pm, and of course the Auction following.

Old Shawnee Days Parade has been moved to June 8th. Point of contact is Jay Pruett.

The 2024 Schedule of Events was discussed. Justin changed POC for Barnyard Babies to Larry; updated the change of date on Old Shawnee Days and the Ottawa Show (which has been moved back 1 week). He questioned the Buchanan County Tractor Cruise – as he cannot find info on it this year – and thinks it may have moved to September to the Ozarks. He asked about removing it and attendees were ok with that. Herman Sachse moved to approve the amended Schedule of Events; Bob Antes seconded it. Passed unanimously.

President Read thank all who attended and brought displays for the Western Farm Show. He also thanked those that attended the St. Patricks Day Parade.

Attendees then had a few minutes to finish their bids on the silent auction and purchase leftover BBQ meat for sale.

Meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm. Bob Antes moved to adjourn; seconded by Jeff Gast.

Kim Sachse, Secretary