Sugar Creek, Mo. July 4th Parade


The annual July 4th parade in Sugar Creek was well attended by both spectators and tractors/drivers. We had 23 tractors in our unit .I would like to thank everyone who participated in our unit in the parade. Glenn Ratzlaff, 1947 "A" with a Model L manure spreader; Trevor Bedford, 1955 "60"; Lawrence Walter, 1950 "A"; Donnie Miller brought a 1949 "A" pulling a trailer with a Farmal F12 on steel. Vince Turley brought a 1953 "60". Delmar Seger, 1950 Ford 8N; Wayne Kranz, 1958 Ford 601; Bill Alderson brought 3 tractors, a 1953 Super M. 1953 Allis Chalmers CA, and a 1953 Super C driven by Levi Turley and Troy Alderson. New club member Ron Brittain brought 1960 John Deere 830 and 1967 IHC 1206. Dan Hanna brought 1953 Super H Farmall and a Allis Chalmers D14 driven  by Scott Hanna. Ken Hooper brought 5 tractors; a 1944 "B" driven by hisself; 1953 Allis Chalmers CA driven by Maxine Hooper; 1945 "B" Farmall driven by Jermiah Mygatt; 1954 Super "C" Farmall driven by Aaron Hooper; a 1947 M"" John Deere driven by Delbert Hooper; Bob Antes brought  a 1959 430 "U" and a 1946 Farmall "B" driven  by himself and his son Gary and grandson Zach Antes. Wes Storm had a John Deere AR in the parade. Mike Neff intended to bring his "B" but was unable to get it started so he led the parade in his 1926 Chevy Coupe with Phil Addison as his passenger. Again, I would like to thank everyone who helped in the parade.  

